PURSE- basket weave
Begin by making a chain of 40.
For the next row, you will do double crochet stitches. 1 stitch per previous stitch, so that your total number remains 40.
Now, this is where the 'fun' begins.
For this particular project, my sections of the weave consisted of 4 stitches each.
The general principle of the basket weave is getting that woven texture, by alternating attaching the stitch towards the front or towards the back of the previous row.
So, you will begin by making 4 double stitches to the 'front' of the row (that is on the side facing away from you).
For the next 4, you will attach the double stitch to the 'back' (towards you).
Repeat this a total of 10 times, 5 sections for every direction.
Do a total of 18 rows, not counting the chain in the start.
This is what you should end up with:
The next step, is to fold this section in half and begin stitching together the edges.
What you will do is begin on one side, and go along it doing 1 to 1 slip stitches through both layers. When you get to the nest stretch, you will only go along one of the layers, and for the third and final stretch, through both again. You will be left with a pouch-like 'construction'.
Before you continue, turn the little pouch inside out to get neater seams.
The next step in the project would be to make the top flap of the bag.
The flap:
Remember that row of slip stitches you did through only one layer? That is the basis for your flap. Here you have a few choices. You can either do it in slip stitches or using the shell stitch, with a size of your choice. The important bit is that you reduce 1 stitch on each side of each new row. Once you are done with the reduction, go over the edge of the flap again. For this, you can either use slip stitches or a needle with a stitch of choice.
This is what you will end up with:
The strap:
To make the strap, I simply made a chain of 120 stitches (you can change this length according to your needs) and then went over it with one more row of slip stitches.
Decorate at will with beads, buttons, ribbons, whichever you prefer to personalise your creation. Below are some examples of what it may look like...
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