SMALL OWL (cluster stitch)

Before you begin, you will need to know how to make a cluster stitch. 
The technique I used is as follows: 

The body: 
1. ring of 4

2. 10 slip stitches into ring
3. slip stitch, increase 1 for every 2nd stitch
4. double crochet stitches, increase 1 for every 3rd stitch
5. cluster stitches (as shown above) of 3 slips, no change in stitch total
          repeat this for lap 6 - 9
          recommended to change color for lap 10 
10. cluster stitches of 3 slips 

11. slip stitch, no change in stitch  number total 

12. slip stitch, no change in stitch number total (recommended to change color before 13) 

13. slip stitch, increase 1 for every 3rd stitch 

14. slip stitch, increase 1 for every 3rd (! note that you need to double the very last stitch of the lap as well, to make the count work) 

15. 8 double crochet stitches, 11 slip stitches, 8 double, 11 slips

16. 8 double, 11 slip, 8 double, 11 slip 

17. 4 slip stitches, fold the round hole in half and slip stitch together the two edges flatly ( as shown to the right). Put in stuffing as you go.

The wings: 
(make 2) 

1. ring of 4 

2. 10 slip stitches into ring 

3. 2 slip, 2 double into 1, 2 double into 1, a double then a treble into 1, a chain of 3, a treble then a double into 1, 2 double into 1, 2 double into 1, 2 slip 

4. slip stitch keeping the same number of stitches as previous lap (around the chain of 3, make 5 slip stitches)

5. leave a strand of yarn, thread it through a needle, and stitch the wing onto the body 

The eyes: 
(make 2) 

1. ring of 4 

2. slip stitch 10 into ring (change color before next row) 

3. slip stitch, no change in total count

4. leave a strand of yarn hanging and use it to stitch the eyes on 

The beak: 

1. 5 stitches 

2. slip stitch, skip the first and the last stitch of the row 

3. skip the first stitch, make 1 slip stitch 

4. slip stitch all the way around the tiny triangle, don't worry about counting

5. fold the triangle in half and slip stitch the edges, making a cone 

6. leave a strand of yarn and use it to stitch the beak on 


Use whatever scraps of yarn you have cut off in the process, for the fluffy bits on the hears. For this, place the strands together and cut them into equal lengths. Use a large hook, and pull a few threads through the edge of the 'ear'. Tie a knot and pull it tight. Cut the threads shorter and to equal length. 


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